VS. Back in October of 2002 I wrote one of my first op-eds for the Toronto Star after a typically embarrassing royal visit by Her Highness. To … [Read more]
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VS. Back in October of 2002 I wrote one of my first op-eds for the Toronto Star after a typically embarrassing royal visit by Her Highness. To … [Read more]
Some more travel and home to finish an exceptional winter.Sunday A family hike in the neighbourhood trails. Yes, that is a dress. … [Read more]
History may repeat itself, but every show gets cancelled eventually. After a decades-long run, it may be that Quebec's PQ vs Liberal show, and everything that went along with it, could be cancelled due to low ratings. … [Read more]
Sorry Pauline, wish you could have reached the grand results of Boisclair! Maybe next time, mix in a Brokeback Mountain skit. People loved that. Whatever happened to Boisclair anyways? Ahh, we'll be saying that about you soon enough. Anyway, if … [Read more]
Philipe Couillard, Liberal contender for Quebec premiere, has hit on a key secret truth, as quoted here in the Montreal Gazette. From the Gazette article: … [Read more]
Note: I live in Quebec, my next prime minister may not be the same as yours. … [Read more]
Watching Free Birds, a cartoon about turkeys with a time machine, with my boy, he asked me what the invisible spaceship/ time machine was made with. He’d never seen an invisible spaceship before! http://youtu.be/FR9CyI3dG8Q?t=27s What could I … [Read more]
This article was written about an inspirational Ottawa doctor and the dynamic NGO he had founded, for which I had volunteered in Tanzania. Seven years later, I'm honoured to be working with the Canada Africa Community Health Alliance (CACHA) again, … [Read more]
Did Socrates need to die? Do some voices need to be silenced? … [Read more]
Stephen Harper's close circle of communications advisers has had a lot of success doing things I don't understand, and this is the latest in the oeuvre. Comes out (through documents obtained by a news agency, still not clear what that means) that a … [Read more]
by davesachs
vs. Coincidentally, I started reading Caesar’s Commentaries on the Gallic and Civil War about the same time I started watching Game of Thrones. In that context, Game of Thrones comes across as a PBS dramatic … [Read more]