I am late with this announcement, but very proud to make it: My debut novel The Flood has been named a finalist in the thriller category for Foreword Review’s annual IndieFab book awards.
From their press release (I’ll place another contests review below):
Each year, Foreword Reviews shines a light on a select group of indie publishers, university presses, and self-published authors whose work stands out from the crowd. In the next three months, a panel of more than 100 volunteer librarians and booksellers will determine the winners in 63 categories based on their experience with readers and patrons.
“The 2015 INDIEFAB finalist selection process is as inspiring as it is rigorous,” said Victoria Sutherland, publisher of Foreword Reviews. “The strength of this list of finalists is further proof that small, independent publishers are taking their rightful place as the new driving force of the entire publishing industry.”
Foreword Reviews will celebrate the winners during a program at the American Library Association Annual Conference in Orlando, Florida in June. We will also name the Editor’s Choice Prize 2015 for Fiction, Nonfiction and Foreword Reviews’ 2015 INDIEFAB Publisher of the Year Award during the presentation.
About Foreword: Foreword Magazine, Inc is a media company featuring a Folio:-award-winning quarterly print magazine, Foreword Reviews, and a website devoted to independently published books. In the magazine, they feature reviews of the best 170 new titles from independent publishers, university presses, and noteworthy self-published authors. Their website features daily updates: reviews along with in-depth coverage and analysis of independent publishing from a team of more than 100 reviewers, journalists, and bloggers. The print magazine is available at most Barnes & Noble and Books-A-Million newsstands or by subscription. You can also connect with them on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and Pinterest. They are headquartered in Traverse City, Michigan, USA.
The Flood was also entered in Writer’s Digest‘s Self-Published e-Book Awards. Although it didn’t win, I was very happy to read the judge’s feedback. Here are some excerpts:
the author has done such a fabulous job of crafting this storyline that the reader cannot help but to stay engaged from cover to cover…
…The author has really crafted a multi-dimensional character in Travis. And it is through Travis that the author’s voice really shines through.
I was hooked from beginning to end and found this to be surprisingly a bit of a nail biter. Really strong entry with an over-all appeal that will leave audiences wanting more…
…Great mix of narrative and prose keep the pacing at a page turning pace that will not disappoint the reader. Well done.
Finally, in the other Writer’s Digest contest, the 23rd Writer’s Digest Self-Published Book Awards, The Flood received a perfect score, 5/5 in all 6 categories!
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