Some articles I get so into, I talk about them (or rather, what I learned) for months after. The Singularity articles were like that, and so were the two conspiracy theories articles. The one below was for the June 2005 issue of Penthouse. I did a similar one for UMM (Urban Male Magazine).
Secret Masters of the World and Other Great Conspiracies That Explain Everything
Dumped by your girlfriend? Lose your job? It’s probably not your fault.
I used to think I controlled the course of my life. I know better now. It’s the Illuminati, stupid. You haven’t heard of the Illuminati? The secret masters of the world, controlling global events through recorded history using the Freemasons, the Jews, and the Trilateral Commission as pawns? Ring a bell?
Between the ever-expanding Da Vinci Code franchise and blockbuster film National Treasure, conspiracy theories are bubbling up into the national consciousness like never before. Does it spring from a human search for meaning behind chaotic world events? Or, in a secular society, has the culture of conspiracy begun to form a modern mythology? Before you read this article and pull back the veil of lies to see reality as it truly is, please put on your aluminum foil helmet. Because if they read your mind, if they know you know, you could be in danger. Now hold my hand, and into the rabbit hole we go. [Read more…]